I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Playground toys (balls, jump ropes, hula-hoops, etc. )
•Games like “Heads Up” and “Simon”
•Brain teaser toys
•Treasure chest items
•Peanut/tree nut free snacks
•Educational Insights No Yell Bell Classroom Attention Getter
•Dry erase pocket sheet protectors
Spelling Homework. I'm sorry if I did not clearly explain the Spelling Homework! The students keep the spelling words in the agenda. They should bring the spelling journal home and complete one activity per night from the Spelling Choice Board. The activities should be completed in the journal. Freckle is a great site for extension activities if the homework is just too simple. The homework is meant to be review and practice for now, so hopefully, it isn't very difficult.
In Language Arts, we will continue to talk about Reading and Writing workshop, what it should look like, practice Daily 5 activities, and begin working more in depth on writing pieces. I have now gotten the students entered into RAZ, Read Theory and Freckle, so these sites are available for practice and extension. Most students have completed the pretests which will level them.
In Social Studies, we are continuing to talk about government, why we have rules and laws, and the roles of President, Governor, and Mayor. The students will be assessed at the end of this week. We will then move onto Georgia regions next week.
In Math, we are continuing our unit on place value. The students will be assessed at the end of this week on skills learned. We will then move on to Problem Solving within 10.
Friday, August 23rd, 7:00-7:45 am, FBI Breakfast
Friday, August 23rd Addison Spirit Day
Wednesday, August 28th, Early Release, 12:30 pm
Thursday, Augusts 29th, 7:15-7:45 am, Grandparents Breakfast for 3rd, 4th, and 5th
Thursday, August 29th, 5-8 pm, Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
Friday, August 30th, 7:15-7:45 am, Grandparents Breakfast for K, 1st, and 2nd grades
Friday, August 30th, Addison Spirit Day
I hope everyone has a great week!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Joy Shore