Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week of October 7

Hello Parents! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

I am so grateful for the STEM donations. We had a WONDERFUL STEM day, and the students did a fantastic job. 

In Language Arts, we will be discussing story structure and context clues, and wrapping up collective nouns.
In Math, we are continuing to count coins, and solve word problems using coins. We will also be doing a lot of review and practice since report cards are coming up.    

Tues., Oct 8th, Papa John's Spirit Night
Wed., Oct. 9th, 7:15 am, Walk to School Wednesday
Thurs., Oct. 10th, 12:30 pm, Early Release
Fri., Oct 11th, Spirit Day, wear Addison T-Shirt
Mon., Oct. 14th thru Friday, Oct. 18th, Book Fair, Conference Week, and Early Dismissal at 12:30 pm
Fri., Oct. 18th, Spirit Day, wear Addison T-Shirt
Monday, Oct., 21st-Fri., Oct., 25th, Red Ribbon Week
Tues., Oct. 22nd, Wear a hat to school
Wed., Oct. 23rd, Wear Red
Thurs., Oct. 24th, Wear mis-matched clothes
Fri., Oct. 25th, Wear Addison T-Shirt
Fri., Oct 25th, 7:00 am, FBI Breakfast
Fri., Oct. 25th, Boovie Night
Sat., Oct. 26th, Trunk or Treat at Sprayberry High School
Sunday, November 3: Daylight Saving Time ends

I hope everyone has a great week!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Joy Shore

Let's Dive Into Learning!!

Let's Dive Into Learning!!
Welcome to Second Grade!